In the early 90's I got into trap shooting and shot several years in the ATA.. I had a 96 average.. Not outstanding, but good.. Only made it to the 23 yard line in handicap.. Then I took several trips over seas hunting.. For one reason and another, I never got back into registered shoots.. I could hold my own on some of our local turkey shoots.. When I got to the trap ranges, I still averaged about 96.. Then for several years I seldom shot any trap.. Showed up in my field shooting.. So I decided to get back to the trap range as often as I could.. But last year my shooting fell off markedly.. I shot maybe 300 rounds.. This year I have shot about 200 rounds so far.. All from the 16 yard line.. Figured my average the other day, 85... I guess age is catching up too me, but I am glad I am still able to shoot.. Not all my pals are able to do that!!!

Molon Labe