Some of you all carry a lot of stuff.
Besides the normal tag and extra rounds I always carry:

Havalon piranta (sometimes a fixed blade too, but more and more I just carry the havalon piranta with extra blades)
Mountain money, ass wipe or whatever you want to call it
Nalgene bottle (sometimes a filter too if I am in several miles)
Compass (no map)
Game bags
Camera with spare battery
Cliff bars
Headlamp (just one) with extra batteries
Roll of electric tape for my muzzle, attaching tags and whatever else
One fairly heavy sweatshirt and beanie in case I spend the night unexpectedly
If it's late season or cold, a Gränsfors Bruk hatchet and firestarter (usually just a road flare)

I rarely, if ever carry:

First aid kit, but have used the electric tape to close a knife slip up
Rope, 550 cord or P cord-I don't hang quarters anymore unless I am in camp. It spreads scent easier and finding a horizontal branch in the pines to hang from is difficult, and so is getting it high enough to be out of reach of bears. I just find a shady spot with brush to lay the quarters on for air flow.