Well boys, I guess someone has to buck the trend.
I drive by several a day on my way to wherever I'm going. My bride and I were spending way too much on the mocha's and latte's a few years ago and cut ourselves off from Starbuck's espresso drinks cause we were contributing way too much to your retirement accounts.
I drink their regular old drip coffee several times a week (and the half and half is free for that). At $1.65 for the 16oz and only a dime more for a 20oz cup its about the same as my local AM/PM.
You have to look past all the other crap and just get the regular coffee. It is burned in the roasting and if you don't want it there are 85 other coffee only shops with their own styles of roasting all doing quite well at about the same prices.
C'mon you other coffee fiends, I know you are here, don't let one little salvo across the bow of your addiction send you into the corner.
Defend yourselves!
BTW, my favorite Starbuck's is just outside Ft. Lewis just off exit 119 near Tacoma. Quick, easy in and out and always lots of in-shape folks wearing camo, boots and berets in there. Makes you feel good in more ways than one.