Not using the Pluck Foam from a bunch of my rifle and pistol cases.

Trades only... ammo, BCGs or whatever you care to offer.

Some idea on value if you bought from a store...

Pluck Foam Replacement

Offer whatever you want and value my foam at any $$$ you want... really does not matter to me. I will take the best offer I get. That simple.

I have 3 or 4 pieces of foam from 40" Plano cases and 3-4 pieces from 48" cases. Some are plucked and some not plucked. I will trade pics by text or PM with any interested buyers before confirming any deal.

I will also post pics here when I get a chance.


Snowflakes that are scared to pluck their own foam can have their mom's do it... but IMHO a Motherplucker is not good.

Various Pistol foam also (mostly from Pelican case of the 16"x24" +/- size).

OFFER ANYTHING YOU WANT... the worst I will say is "No Plucking Way!"

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.