Originally Posted by FatCity67
So question what kind of other after winter process do you Minnesota and other Northern Folks go thru for maintenance on your vehicles?

I have a Kid in Minnesota who just purchased her own vehicle last year as she got a job right out of college.

Ive been giving her lots of advice and helping her but I was thinking there might be after winter things she might need to do.

IMO (assuming they use a lot of salt out there) the best thing to do after winter is give the car a really good cleaning focusing on the undercarriage. Most people focus on keeping the paint nice which is fine but the real damage happens where dirt/salt cakes up around brake parts, body seams, frame if there is one, inside fenders etc etc. Ideally get the thing up on a hoist or blocks and power wash every thing you can get at. Or talk to a detail company about a price for them to do that for her.