Originally Posted by satx78247

Pardon me for saying that you are WRONG. - Many or most of us old soldiers, sailors, LEOs, Marines, USAF vets, etc. have MANY things that we cannot talk about. - Personally, I prefer say, "I cannot talk about that." or "no comment" to saying "NOYFB",which is the other obvious alternative.
(I've been retired since 2006 & I still cannot discuss any number of diverse subjects from my AD era, even though it was long ago.)

MANY of us "old-timers" still cannot reveal where/when/in what job (and in some cases, not even what our MOS/AFSC & "job title" was) that we served because "NDA" have no expiration date.. - I know of a case where a former E-7 was "visited by government agents" & "strongly cautioned" for talking about his usual duties in "a place far away" & more than 5 years before.
(It just so happens that I was stationed in that area & as far as I know NOTHING very sensitive, much less classified, was being done by any of the "allied forces training group" members.)

yours, tex

You missed my point , but made yours .. it’s ok . I somewhat agree with you . But I’m far from WRONG.

OP just wants to feel special , therefore he’s gonna hint that he’s some operative then shut it down with “not at liberty to say “ , because there probably nothing TO say .

Rabid Creedmoorians ring my doorbell ...
as I open it a crack they speak :
"Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior , 6.5Creed?"