Originally Posted by humdinger
Originally Posted by passport
Why would anyone want an O/U for a turkey gun?

two chokes to pick from. Use modified choke for close shots where a extra full choke pattern is the size of a baseball .

This. Plus they are just fun to carry. I've never shot more than twice anyway.

I've shot a couple of the Mossbergs and they aren't bad. Triggers were a little heavy but almost no creep. Fit and function seemed to be decent if not better quality than some of the higher end O/Us I've been around. I'm not a gear snob though. I look at all my gear as tools. Yes I have some really nice and some high dollar tools but they get used to do their designed jobs.

Currently have two el cheapo O/U dedicated turkey guns. I'm happy with both. Both will throw unbelievable patterns! POA/POI is spot on with both barrels in both guns.