Coyotejunki, if the lease holder is on the land for the purposes of the lease, the Walk-In restrictions don't apply to them. IF they are on the land for the purpose of hunting or fishing, they are supposed to come under the same restrictions that the public are held to.

Oakster, almost had my delicates in a vice over this, as that's what I believed also.

Have spoken with 2 different Game Wardens and 1 county Sheriff about the use of On-Xmaps. All three said that's what they use as a determining factor in the field. If the GPS WITH On-XMaps is used, and it's up to date, shows as good they wont write a violation. If they know for a fact that the Software is wrong they will just tell you to leave. Get belligerent and they'll cite and fine you.

My experience so far...