Originally Posted by pete53
he is only 7 years old let him experiment and let him just enjoy archery ,maybe go out there and shoot with him.let him watch some those pro`s shoot in the big shoots like Vegas,Nationals,even Lancaster on the computer,let him ask the questions about archery. Don`t push him ,let him have fun that`s what i have done with some kids and my son too as a coach, best to let them learn slowly with lots of fun involved,i mis the days when my son dominated cub,youth and young adult in my home state , but when he decided college, girls and beer were more fun i did understood ,but before he quit 300 55-60 X`s were a every day score for him,that i never did make happen much for me .

You can correct a kid without not making it fun. Experimenting is one thing. A potentially dangerous form is another. But hell what do I know?

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.