Finished watching last night, the last half kind of drifted off but was still okay. SPOILERS AHEAD.

The diner scene was great with that uneasy truce between former foes in a temporary shelter trying to work together to save themselves but not trusting each other one bit - that was something you'd really expect to see in an apocalyptic event. They way they fought the two zombies was dumb. Then that warehouse/night club/whatever was just weird, no reason for it and no explanation for it. Then they get out of there and suddenly every human being left alive gathers in one place and they all have automatic weapons? That little Korean woman was a real badass and especially so with that one never ending magazine in her SMG - they must have gotten that from the same store that used to sell 27 shot cowboy revolvers. At least the part about people accidentally shooting each other in the chaos was a wrinkle you don't often see.

Speaking of - I guess some zombies are tougher than others. A couple of them got shot over and over and over and kept coming, then in the stadium the black guy - who also has an infinite magazine in his M4 - just shoots them a few times in the chest and down they go. He knows to shoot one or two in the head for an instant kill but other times forgets that entirely and sprays the rest across the body.

The atmosphere through most of it was good and the human reactions to this event were generally realistic although some of them did some pretty stupid things. It suffered from narrative lapses into some kind of surreal situations and inconsistencies (yeah, I know it's a zombie show but still) but barring those the story was okay. Good lead in but didn't sustain itself in the long run. Overall I'd give it 3 stars.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!