
Lots of good feedback here! I want to address a couple technical topics that have come up. You mention a concern about parallax and high power in your original message, but not to worry. A higher power optic is not inherently more less susceptible to parallax than a lower power scope. What is more important is objective lens size. You will experience more parallax (The change in point of impact due to a change in eye position) on a scope with a larger objective lens. The reason you usually see less parallax when you turn a scope's magnification down is not because of the reduced power, but because your image is coming from a smaller portion of the objective lens.

Gene270 mentioned eyebox, and that is a real trade off to consider. With something like a 4.5-14 power scope, it will be much more important that you mount it carefully fro eye relief. We recommend positioning the scope as far from your eye as you can at high power and still get a full field of view. This will help ensure you get the best image at all magnifications. Carrying it in the field at a lower power will help you get on target faster as well. Hope this is helpful!

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