The ANZAC biscuit, was also in existence well before it got its new name, which is an acronym that came in after Gallipoli.

It dated back to the early part of 1800s, taking on various names over time; surprise biscuits, crispies, Red Cross biscuits,
soldier biscuits, hardtack biscuits, Anzac wafer, Anzac tile, etc.

Aus and NZ have laws that tell you they must be called Anzac biscuits,.. ie; its unlawful to call them cookies. ..

and one is required to adhere to the 'traditional' recipe if you want to call it an Anzac biscuit,

however, household recipes dating from before and after WW1, can vary from that used for commercial war time production.

Overall just so much myth and bullcrap surrounding the ANZACS that's slowly but surely coming to light.
and some good books have been written soberly revealing such. .. Many soldiers letters from military archives in Oz and UK
are showing just how much BS was spread back in the wAr for propaganda reasons and then the myths further
built around that stuff in the century following. nOt to tell the truth and stick with convenient legend and myth
narratives does not do the soldiers of the time true justice...IMO.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.