Originally Posted by Paddler
Leahy chewed up the lying POS.

Not true and Barr is not a lying POS. You however are a dishonest dupe of the fake news media.

Barr couldn't see a conflict between Trump's obstructive acts and obstruction of justice.

How did Trump interfere with Mueller? Once again you are delusionally duped by the fake news media. You personality is such that you will believe any lie put out by leftist scum demrats or the media. Remove yourself from the gene pool immediately.

He said Trump telling Lewandowski to have Sessions unrecuse himself

So you can't see that not having an AG in charge of this kind of investigation is wrong? Duped fool you are, dense also.

and shut down the investigation wasn't a problem,

Trump never said "shut down the investigation. Trump had just the day before Mueller's appointment as special council refused to give Mueller the Director seat of the FBI, hence the conflict of interest. I feel for you dupes, the Borg fake news media and the Demrats control your minds. When you short spell of being useful idiots end will you jump off the clif like the other lemmings?

or telling McGhan to fire Mueller

Mueller could legally have been fired at any time for any reason and replaced with another special prosecutor with no effect on the investigation. Another point your leftist scum media failed to point out but the dupes only need to know so much.

and then lie about it isn't obstruction.

Post this supposed lie Madcow is talking about for us.

Nice. Lying toad toady.

You lefty dupes are always calling people liars when you believed the fake news media and the demrats telling you for years that there was "collusion" between Trump and Russia, they made absolute fools out of you and you still haven't changed news sources. Willful ignorance and stupidity are very similar in nature.

I am concerned that the country has so many duped fools that think Islam is a religion of peace, believe the fake news media, don't believe illegal immigration is a problem and think it is fine for the leftist scum to interfere with the workings of government. Are they stupid or just blithering idiots? Traitors to the country I believe and hopefully they will pay for their seditious behavior.

Dog I rescued in January

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