Well, I have ground blades on a 9" disc sander, 4x36, 6x48, 1x42, 2x60, 2x72 belt sanders.
The work horse is the 2x72 now for blades.
The 1x42 is good for most handle work.
A small table top drill press gets the holes done.
An older used surface grinder is used to uniform blank surface and thickness.
A converted used small industrial chop saw does the metal cutting.
A Sears band saw cuts most of the handle materials.

But I started by buying a couple finished blades to handle with some elk drops from out west.

The fact that you are already considering the future is witness to you having the dreaded gene.

Good luck.
We can talk if I can be of any assistance.
There are others here with more skills and experience with me that will also help out.


"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
Albert Einstein

At Khe Sanh a sign read "For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the protected never knew".