If it were any more fun it'd be illegal. smile

Another fun BPCR shoot was one that was held regularly at Ackley, Iowa when I lived in that area. An offshoot of an SASS club, it, involved various steel targets out to a 1000 yard buffalo. Perhaps the most fun was a "herd" of smallish steel buff, 25 in all, at random distances, about 100 to 300 yards, IIRC. It was a timed event, so you had to load, shoot, and reload as fast as you could, including your fouling management. Had to have a good handle on your hold over/under as no time to adjust sights. Like I said, almost too much fun to be legal. Unfortunately, the untimely death of one of the owners of the spread led to it being broken up, and no longer a venue for the shoots. Good things have a way of eventually ending, it seems.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.