The EC should be dumped, and the sooner the better. Despite the outcome of the 2000 and 2016 elections it is hurting conservatives by encouraging them to not vote if they live in blue states. Bush would have beaten Gore and Trump would have beaten Clinton without the EC and without the drama. The campaign strategy changes, and I think in favor of Conservatives. I'd argue that without the EC neither Bill Clinton nor Obama would have won a 2nd term.

What most don't understand is that I'd bet money NO ONE here on the campfire has ever voted for a president. Under the current system we vote in our states and in most states the winning party is allowed to pick representatives who go to Washington a few weeks later. And it is perfectly legal for those states to do as they wish with their electors. Those 538 people are the only ones who actually cast a vote for the president. And there is no federal law stating that they must vote for the party they are pledged to. In fact it is quite common for them to cross lines. There were 6 or 7 people who pledged their vote to Trump in 2016 who actually voted for Clinton after arriving in Washington. But it wasn't enough to change the outcome.

In 2000 it would have only taken 2 people to have crossed the line and voted for Gore instead of Bush and neither party would have had 270 EC votes. In that case the Senate gets to select the president. It would have only taken 4 crossover votes to have given the win to Gore. And it is all perfectly legal.

Most people don't really want the truth.

They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.