I LIKE THAT........ A lot....... Haven't watched anything even resembling the NFL since 2012. Here's my rant.......... I'd like to watch sports but that disgusting, multi million dollar, left wing Hollywood circus act and reality show does not qualify as a legitimate sport. Football is a good game but not when the NFL turns it into a quasi-theatrical production. Who the hell is the NFL commissioner anyway ? Jerry Springer ????. Instead of the national anthem why don't they just have a ceremonial American flag burning before each game.? P.T. Barnum was truly a prophet with his " there's a sucker born every minute" comment and it's true with the millions of dollars the NFL rakes in from people who blindly support this vile and disgusting organization that basically throws the finger to decency and basic values. The NFL leadership is right on par with all the commie leftists in Hollywood and that seems fitting because they are both in show business and NOT professional sports. Best football game I've seen in years was two high school teams on a local cable access station. It was good. It was real. It was much better than watching another episode of "NFL Drama Theater - America's Number One Soap Opera". Not to mention being a giant stage for all sorts of left wing activist B.S.................... Rant over; I feel much better now.