Originally Posted by rost495
I was just thinking, the skeeters have finally gotten to the point I put my hood on, or a bit of bug balm now and then. Was thinking them mild, at least so far compared to the gulf coast. But I've been around here in August and thought them much worse then a couple of times.

Daylight, Carolyn was just asking, I said doesn't matter what time I'm up to piss, out the window I can see all the colors in the yard still it seems.

Thank God for the man that invented shades LOL. Though I can sleep in full daylight too.

If it's still too bad as we approach the solstice, the old Fairbanks trick is to foil the bedroom windows.

Beerhunter and I are bathing in bug dope as soon as we depart the crummy it seems.

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.