Originally Posted by kragman1
So I called them to find out more about their warranty.
Long story short, my Legend Ultra is "warrantyable" but they don't have the butt section. Basically they would send me a new Imperial.

That's the problem with so many rod warranties. "we'll replace it with the current model" - "But I like the old model"

I have a Sage that they sent me to replace a 4 piece 6 weight that I slammed the car door on up in PA (sorry, wish I had a big fish story) cry. Very nice of them and likely money-wise a losing proposition as the old one was one of their early gray rods than ran about $90 circe 1990 but the new one is simply too fast compared to the older one that was juuuusssst right.

If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated