I lived in eastern Washington for 21 years prior to moving to Alaska. Left because of the political environment and won’t return to Washington to live for the same reason. Always liked Idaho. My wife doesn’t do Alaska winters very well anymore. My mom is also nearby in eastern Washington. We’ll buy property with enough acreage for her to have a small double wide and she can sell her big house which is getting to be too much for her. To me Idaho offered the chance to be back in the northwest with less winter to contend with, good hunting and fishing, and Etta has family in Idaho. Alaska has been a great adventure but I need to considering what’s best for my wife and my Mom. I have to admit I’m looking forward to more bird hunting and coyote calling.

I’ll continue to commute to the slope for my job for a few years yet. I can do that from Idaho with my two week on/two week off schedule.

Chronographs, bore scopes and pattern boards have broke a lot of hearts.