72 years old, had bad heart attack and a tripple bypass a little over 20 years ago.
Bad case of blood poisoning from copper dust about 17 years ago, which cost me a liver (liver transplant 13 years ago).
Now have a very bad blood clot in liver and 3 doctors have told me it’s the end of the line. In the mean time, I’ve had 2 hips replaced, a carotid artery flushed out and a pretty bad case of a sepsis infection. Well that’s all I remember now.
I’m hoping I get to see the 444 Marlin I’m having Turnbull Restorations work on now. It’s ok though, it’s for my grandson anyway.

How much time do I have ?

I don’t know, but I’m not buying any green bananas !!

Old Fishermen never die, we just get reel tired.

May you build a ladder to the stars
and climb on every rung.
May you stay......Forever young