Not the ones used in gunsmithing, but for mechanical applications.

I have been using two different Proto brand ones for many years. One standard 1/2" drive and one 3/8" Drive model rated for aerospace applications. The 3/8" mostly for under the hood work. Both USA made.

I wanted to get another 1/2" for doing wheels only to supplement the Proto's. But did not want to spend a lot of money. I watched the video of the Harbor Freight "ICON" wrench vs Snap On. I was impressed, then checked them out further. I ended up buying one with a HF coupon.

So far, so good. The ICON line at HF is their "high end".

About the only thing I have bought from HF before are tarps, bungies and things like that.

I think the wrench is a good value for non precision work.

Gun Shows are almost as comical as boat ramps in the Spring.