Originally Posted by UPhiker
Last year when the Browning rep was at the store, I asked him why they quit importing the P35. He said the sales reps weren't happy about it but were threatened to not bring it up in meetings. We're having a special promotion this week at work and yesterday we had the FN rep in. I asked him why FN didn't just import it. He laughed and said that they told Browning that if they didn't do it, FN would import it under the FN brand. He said that Browning relented and is supposed to start importing it again.
I don't understand Browning. Except for the Auto 5, the P35 is what everyone imagines when "Browning" is mentioned. Yet, they slap their name on junk knives and flashlights made in China. Winchester and S&W are the same way. If they can make a penny on it, they'll sully their brand by putting their name on junk.

Non-gun-people are in charge of decision making.