
Fwiw, most of us Patriots are "sick to death' of ANTI-Trump DIMocRATS & other such creatures bringing that NONSENSE up. = That NONSENSE is "a pack of lies" & I suspect that the Leftist Morons KNOW that they are being dishonest.
I can tell you that DJT was found to be 4F because of real/painful bone spurs in both feet, as well as a minor deformity to 2 bones of one foot.
(Otoh, I have NO information as to Ted Nugent's draft status, whatever.)

The Armed Forces entry system didn't care who you are/were or how much money that you had, as even Cassius Clay & Elvis Presley were both "classified" 1A. - ALL that was important was your actual condition, mentally/physically./emotionally/etc.
(I knew a Black guy at our college in 1969 who was DISQUALIFIED for induction because of his RACISM.)

yours, tex
USA, Retired

Last edited by satx78247; 07/13/19. Reason: add


William Barrett Travis, Lt.Col., comdt.
Fortress of The Alamo, Bejar
F'by 24, 1836