Ulvejaeger: I have been putting the miles on of recent - big time!
Two weeks ago I and the VarmintWife headed east doing Mt. Rushmore, Chief Crazy Horse monument and museum (fantastic!), Custer Forest and the Badlands National Grasslands, Wall Drug and Sturgis (all in South Dakota) then did Devils Tower, Sheridan, the Bighorn Mountains, Cody Wyoming and the amazing museums there then the Yellowstone for one full day!
Then reloaded at home for a day and then headed for central Idaho (Stanley - which is absolutely stunning, and headed next to McCall) for a few days for the Keith Curtis/Katie Griebenow wedding - then continued on our way to the west coast and the miserable traffic congestion and outrageous gas prices and outrageous taxes and toll roads!
Did enjoy the fresh seafood out there though and the VarmintRelatives were all somewhat "friendly" for a change!
Bought three guns on those trips and lots of little items like the aforementioned partial box of 25 Stevens Rimfires.
If part of your hoard of 25 Stevens cartridges are a full box then I would be interested in buying them from you at fair market value or what ever you intend.
I will be returning to the Bozeman Gunshow early tomorrow morning for re-negotiating on a Rifle I passed on there Friday.
I have a big time guntrader coming in Monday from the west coast, to do some trading and staying with me - and he is picking up four guns he has had here being engraved by someone? Do you know who may be doing engraving in Dillon?
He will be gone on Tuesday after that I should be "free" for the forseeable future.
Let me know if you want to ride along tomorrow morning.
Headed for the Old Hotel with friends soon - birthday celebration (mine!).
Been lookin for ya - can't see ya.
Hold into the wind