The old time London gunsmiths wood use Lye to get the hand grease off of bare wood. Acetone will do the trick and 20% vinegar or even regular 8% might do it too for de-waxing.

Linseed Oil is one of the best for bringing out the grain. The Health food store kind has all the fats and waxes in it still and it dries so slowly I think it soaks in better.

On Walnut I like the look of Alkanet Root oil. This adds a red tint but it's subtle if done correctly but it brings out the grain very well. It is unique and you can come close to the look with spirit dyes but not quite the same. With Alkanet you don't loose any grain which even the spirit stains can do.

Over the spar varnish I will use a slacum oil. This is just a mix of oil, turpentine and varnish with up to an ounce of bees wax and carnuba wax. The wax makes the finish softer initially but gives it better rubbing characteristics for a soft low luster finish after rotten stone treatment.

Maple is a whole nother subject and books have been written on how to enhance the grain or to reproduce old Pennsylvania rifles looks on it.

"When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred." Niccolo Machiavelli