Originally Posted by IndyCA35
The National Education Association (which represents school teachers) is the largest labor union in the US.

And the union just held its annual conference, where officials voted on a number of resolutions to more clearly define its policies and values.

At this year’s meeting, the NEA voted to teach “white fragility,” which is, they say, produced by a white supremacist culture.

They also endorsed abortion, reparations for slave descendants, and recognized the US as a destabilizing force in South America which has led to the current immigration crisis.

Yet when the resolution which would “make student learning the priority of the Association,” went up for a vote, it failed.

However you might feel about these issues, we can probably at least agree that the teacher’s union should probably be focused on… teaching… rather than politics.

Apparently white guilt indoctrination is more important than real education.


Simple enough, no more federal funds.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.