Originally Posted by Greyghost
You all wouldn't know your own ass when sitting on it.

My COBRA payment was more than $1,200 a month in '98 when switching jobs, actually nearer $1,300.

COBBRA insurance premiums was so high that only 10% of those offered it excepted it. It was so bad that in or around 2004 the government started offering subsidies of up to 65% just to get people to take the temporary insurance. And it still didn't gain all that much of an increase.

From the mid 70's until the mid 2000's (before Obama or the ACA) private insurance policy's (non government) (and of which 90% was employment supplied) enrolment dropped 20%

I know that you all want it for no cost to yourself, BUT IT DOESENT WORK THAT WAY!

And if you had low cost insurance before the ACA you had a [bleep] policy.

And as I said it had life time limits, your kids weren't covered until the age of 26, and if you had a pre existing condition.... YOY WERE JUST [bleep] OUT OF LUCK!


Do now we have a 22 day wait to see a doctor. Can't see any doctor we choose, pay alot more for alot less and when we do get to see a Dr. He can only spend a few minutes with us and he's pissed over his [bleep] compensation and doesn't really care anymore.

You're right, this "affordable(laffin') Care act is really working swell for me as someone who works hard makes good money and can afford to pay my own insurance.
But at least all the 24 year old perfectly capable losers that would rather smoke dope and pop out babies have insurance now.....

You've obviously never had a decent job or god forbid owned your own business.... What a dolt.