I spend the past week in the Canadian Rockies with my wife. We lodged in Canmore and branched out from there. Spent quite a bit of time hiking where we could actually get access (seems like most places in Banff are closed) We hiked about halfway to Mt. Assiniboine one day and I paid dearly for it the next day. Lake Louise was so crowded it was almost impossible to enjoy. I honestly think there are 3 or 4:1 Asians to all other races combined. Those Asians sure like to get the h3ll out of Dodge!

The scenery was better than I could have imagined. The weather was wonderful. We hiked up about Lake Louise and I found a thermometer hanging on an old ski building. It read 38 F. Pretty chilly day for July. We enjoyed the Bow river, saw Grizzlies and a few elk and mule deer. I glassed up a couple of goats one day as well.

Getting out of the airplane in Phoenix was a rude awakening! Wish I could have stayed a month!

Couple of things I didn't like:

I have no idea what the infatuation is with Tim Hortons??? A vegan fast food for the most part!

We did a road trip one day and ended up in Golden BC- we couldn't get out of there fast enough!

Some things were just stupid expensive-head scratching expensive. Sorry about the dollar.

You guys must have some scary high taxes because that Highway 1 was without a doubt the most meticulously maintained road I have ever had the pleasure of driving on anywhere in the world.

NRA Benefactor Member

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.