Spyderco PM2 or Para2 or Paramilitary 2... Red G-10, M390 DLT distributor exclusive. Purchased this July 17 to try the PM2 platform. I've been looking for a new pocketknife and bought a Spyderco Shaman at the same time as the PM2, after comparison I've decided I prefer the Shaman. This has been handled, fondled, opened, closed, stabbed some invisible ninjas and was used to cut a single piece of copy paper into smaller pieces of copy paper, otherwise its like new.

$175 shipped

Shipping to US only, via USPS flat rate box. Payment by paypal, USPS MO or I'll accept a personal check if you're a longtime member with trading history. Please no Money Orders from anywhere other than the USPS (wal-mart, grocery stores, etc etc). First I'll take it wins, here or by PM. I reserve the right not to sell to those I have blocked or who seem of dubious character.

Photos can be seen HERE