While I'm primarily a meat eater, I will eat fake meat on occasion (long story, it has to do with being a JOOOO) and I've heard a lot about how good the new fake meats are. So today, I grabbed a package of Beyond Meat and made it for dinner.

While they utterly failed at creating an alternative to meat, they did an amazing job of creating a rubber substitute. I tasted the stuff raw, I tasted it when it first started to cook, I tasted it when it was done cooking. Each time, it was rubber. Flavorless rubber.

It's not even close to the existing fake meats, which often are not at all bad if you understand that it's not trying to taste like meat. Beyond Meat is pretty much inedible. The dog sniffed it and ate it, but it was like he was eating something he didn't really want. To test him, I took out a piece of the last cow we had slaughtered (sirloin, smoked last week) and he basically bit my hand off getting to it.

This stuff is fit for neither man nor dog.

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.