I remember when he said that Barron Trump should be separated from his father, and put in a cell with child molesters. Yes I will speak badly of this dead person. How sick do you have to be to make that remark. You are encouraging the forcible rape of an innocent 11 year old boy.

As for Easy Rider, I was 19 when this came out, I was smoking pot in that year, I was growing my hair long. I had a motorcycle! A Honda 175 Scrambler, not exactly a Harley, but close enough. Of course all my friends and I had to see Easy Rider. We all loved the movie, I think being stoned when you were in the theater helped. This movie was celebrated and made a million bucks. Peter Fonda got an Oscar nomination for best screen play.

Twenty years ago this movie came on tv and I watched it. What bullsh*t! The screen play is absurd, worthless, the acting is bad and the direction is worse. To a rational person, this movie is a real dog. The actors really were smoking pot, in the scenes in which they were smoking pot, and it shows. I made 20 minutes of this bowser, on tv, and I changed the channel.

Normally I would say "rest in peace" for anybody, but I can't get over that remark he made about our President's son.