Originally Posted by DigitalDan
Originally Posted by Hotrod_Lincoln
If she stocks up on industrial-strength paper sacks to cover up that horse face, she might make it as a waitress at one of the breastaurants like Hooter's! Of course, even if she doesn't get re-elected there's always that lifetime pension ex-congress-critters have to fall back on! What's the chance one of her constituents who didn't get hired by Amazon when they pulled the plug on that move will serve up some ballistic justice?

Reps. From the house have to serve 2 or: terms to have a pension, forget which. One term wonders get to whine about their poverty.

She has gained a lot of notoriety. Democrats would pay big money to watch her do porn. She might have some chance at a lucrative future.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.