My Mom's family, a couple generations back, came from the Skidmore area. Grandfather was born in Burlington Junction, 2x great grandfather is buried in Quitman. Never met 1x or 2x great grandfathers, but if they were anything like my grandfather, they marched to the beat of a much different drum than most folks. Grandfather was a bitter, curmudgeon of a man and died in 1960. I was always told by grandmother he was that way after getting mustard gassed and returning from France in WWI. After reading some accounts of what went on in this area in this thread, I'm not so sure that was the whole story.

Someday I hope to be the person my dogs think I am . . .
The only true cost of having a dog is its death.
Someone once said "a nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."
Shiloh Sharps . . . there is no substitute.
NRA Endowment Member