Been trying to hire decent help for my contracting business for years now. Was planning to train a guy and hand the business to him when I got out. Now I am sick of it. Shutting down and going to line work. Hard to make good money doing it all yourself.

Best help I ever had was a semi-recovered methhead. Had to roust him out some mornings, but he would come along and bust ass with me all day. Eventually shaped him up, he moved away, and he is a riding boss for someone where he lives now. 28 bucks an hour and insurance plus a company truck. Happier that a pig in slop.

I know how to work with a guy and teach him if he is willing, but these kids all think they deserve six figures and a desk job. That's the good ones. The rest think they should be able to make a fortune turning their hobby into a YouTube cash machine. SMH.