People in the Depression kept cows, chickens, etc and a garden in their back yards. I'm too lazy to keep livestock, but I can raise half our food on my place without working hard at it. It's normal to have entire meals from the garden and lake or woods. I am able where most are not because I live in the country and don't have to work as much as most. A typical wage slave just doesn't have the time. Being unemployed gives back the time.

People have forgotten that you can have about the same quality of life raising your own instead of spending so much time commuting and working for someone else. The difference is in the availability of luxuries. These rich people have so separated from life that luxuries are life to them.

I'm not saying life would be better, but it wouldn't be the end unless your artificial ideals made you unable to cope.

Living in a world of G17s and 700s, wishing for P7s and 202s