A condition that effects an animal's breathing. I'd never heard of it till now. There's detailed info on the internet. Typical dog is an older , large breed. Labs are considered the "poster child" other common breeds are Golden Retrievers and Setters. Signs are, "panting without exercising, noisy labored breathing, tiring quickly during routine walks and hoarseness when barking. Hot humid weather, obesity or excitement can exacerbate this." It's often mistaken for normal old age and can lead to suffocation and death. If severe it can be treated with surgery.

I've owned five Labs that lived to an old age, the one I have now is the only one that's had/has this. My dog's a 70 lb male, eleven years old and not obese. Until this came up the vets where we take him for required shots said he's in the best physical condition of any older Lab they've seen. His symptoms started after a week or so of 100 to 105 temps. It cooled off to 90s a couple of days ago and he seems normal now as long as he doesn't run up & down the stairs. No opening day doves this year.

Last edited by 43Shooter; 08/30/19.