I'm sure most will laugh, but I quit wearing insulated boots when I found these:


My feet sweat terribly in any boot with insulation I've ever had. I sit for long periods of time (eastern whitetail hunter) and my feet would freeze shortly after I stopped moving no matter what boot/sock combination I tried.

Switched to uninsulated boots, and honestly couldn't tell much difference in the warmth, and my feet sure didn't sweat near as much. Still would get cold after I stopped moving. I saw some of those toe warmers at Wal-mart and tried them. Best thing in the world for my feet. Keeps me comfortable for very long sits in the cold.

Now if it's really cold, like 15 degrees F and under, I have some Arctic Shield boot covers that I use. Drop a Hot-hands in them and put them on when I get to where I'm going and I'm good to go all day.

Been wearing Meindl Denali's and haven't had any issue with cold feet for the past couple years. Will be wearing Crispi Colorados this year, and have no worries about them in the cold weather.