This is the latest C.J. Box book. Cassie Dewell, who took down the Lizard King several books ago is now out of law enforcement and has become a private investigator. A defense attorney has asked her to research and confirm information about an apparent open and shut case of a man from New York, who is originally from a family in Montana which 'owns' and controls a northern Montana county. The man was accused of raping his niece. The family has felt betrayed by the man's leaving and doing well and think he has come back to obtain his part of the soon-to-be estate of the father. The family is more than a bit dysfunctional and doesn't want him there, and there are a lot of twists and turns in this tale.

If you enjoy reading books by Box you will probably enjoy this. It's not one of the Joe Pickett series but a new series that has had Cassie Dewell, a widowed and single mother, as the protagonist.

Retired cat herder.