I had issues a couple of weeks a go with my grade 2 BL-22 doing the same problems as mentioned above and believe I have solved the mystery. Like any other gun they need to be reasonably clean. One of the best ways to do this is to avoid using ammo in it that has excessive wax lubricant on the shell from front to rear. The excess wax collects dirt ,unburnt powder ,burnt powder residue and other things. Save your promo ammo for your bolt guns that are easier to clean. After enough rounds go thru a BL-22 you start getting a build up of this gunk in the inside recess and the extractor side recess, locking lug recess, the inside of the top of the action, around the barrel face, inside the shell rim grooves on the bolt face(causes feeding problems). Eventually some of the gunk ends up between the extractor and the recess in the bolt for it holding the extractor out just enough to cause it to slip off the rim during ejection cycle. Use a spring steel dental pick and dig the gunk from the recesses. Use a Q-tip dipped in solvent to moisten these deposits and swab off the gunk. Bend a paper clip to have a short end with 90 degree angle on it to get it into the rim grooves on the bolt face. If all this doesn't help you may have to disassemble and thoroughly clean it. THIS IS EASY TO PULL APART BUT A SOB TO REASSEMBLE AS PAPPY 348 HAS MENTIONED. There is a You tube video on this that is somewhat help full. Do all the work over a white towel so you can find all parts when they fall out (ejector and mickey mouse cone shape ejector spring). The gun is a Browning but one can see that JM had nothing to do with it's design. MB

Last edited by Magnum_Bob; 09/09/19.

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "