Yeah, Buffalo Arms is best bet, as is Reed's (a custom maker, ask Triple Deuce how to find them, I don't know off hand). Beyond that there's the usual aftermarket sources such as Gunbroker and want ads on forums around the internet. I spent many years begging/pleading/cajoling people on other websites in my quest for .228 bullets and over that time accumulated an impressive stash of obsolete and/or obscure .22 High Power bullets. I often marvel at the gawdawful amount of time I devoted to that pursuit, and wonder if in the end it was all worth it. (And no, I'm not in the .228 bullet selling business.)

Simple solution: get a bullet mold and make your own. Dirt cheap (after initial equipment outlays), accurate, and good for velocities from 1000fps to 2000fps (without employing skullduggery or voodoo), which is to say excellent for good old fashioned target shooting. Save the jacketed bullets for when deer season rolls around.

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty