In 1971, a cousin and I both turned 13, within a month's time of each other. I got a Marlin 60, and he got a Winchester 190. I was kinda envious of him at first, until we shot them side by side. For whatever reasons, he'd never put a scope on it, while I couldn't wait to do so. No doubt that was the major factor between the two rifles. I don't recall his malfunctioning any more than my rifle did (they both choked and puked fairly often, mostly due to cheap-ass ammo that we bought. We still had a lot of fun with our .22s whenever he came up from Kansas City to hunt with us on Thanksgiving or at Christmas break.
I was always the better shot, mainly because I lived in the country, and he was a city kid, and didn't have the opportunities to practice that I did. I always thought that 190 was a decent little rifle.

You can roll a turd in peanuts, dip it in chocolate, and it still ain't no damn Baby Ruth.