John Camp (pen name Sanford) and I have some friends in common from back in his days as a reporter for the Minneapolis rag. He is a Democrat though not a flaming city liberal but more a rural Democrat who are supportive of the 2A. As mentioned, he does hunt deer from what little I have talked to him about. He seemed to be the typical deer hunter that gets out the opening weekend and maybe another weekend if lucky.

As for his book, I preferred his earlier ones when Lucas was on the Minneapolis PD. A large percentage of the places mentioned were familiar to me though the locations were slightly altered as well as the names. Three characters stuck out in my mind as I knew the people they were based on. One was a victim while the other two were cameos.

When Lucas branched out from Minneapolis, the books began to falter. Things got a bit far fetched to me based on Lucas' main area of knowledge. The one with him as a U.S. Marshall is not to my liking though a buddy who was a Marshall loves it.

Other books I liked were the Kidd series and the stand alones The Night Crew and Dead Watch. Don't bother with Saturn Run, it is most definitely terrible. He had a couple short story collaborations that were pretty good too. Face Off is a definite read for not only John's collaboration but for the others too. I found the discussions on how the authors decided to write the stories was as interesting as the stories themselves. I highly recommend it.