Already bloodied a 1899A in .303 Savage on a 262 pound black bear on Friday the 13th. Unlucky day for the bear. And there is a story too. After 5 hours in stand I was wet, cold and needed to take a break so I hiked out to truck. 45 minutes later as I snuck in to my stand, near the tree stand I saw a big round head and ears near the bait. I slowly raised up and shot the bear in the neck and it dropped. As I cautiously took 4 or 5 steps forward all h*** broke loose as he charged my way. I dropped back on my butt and fired from the hip with the muzzle about 3 feet from the bear. He was probably just running after the knock down shock wore off vs. charging me? Another quick shot missed as he disappeared into bog. It was open bog so I followed the blood trail and found him on back within 50 yards but still alive. As I moved in for final shot he jumped up and I put him down for good with shot in shoulder. Tough bear. Amazing how fast you can work a lever gun when needed! First shot was in neck about 2" to side of vertebrae? Why he didn't stay down? 2nd shot took out ribs and lung on one side. 3rd shot never touched bear.
Meat at butcher being made into brats (minus roasts and stakes I cut out first). Maybe some will be left for U.P. Savage Fest!
there are pictures on 2 cell phones and in the dark so I'll see if I can get a good one to post?
