I spent all day in the oncology department at Baptist Hospital i Winston- Salem, Nc  (didn't get out till after 3 PM)

They diagnosed me with what they think is stage four anaplastic large t cell lymphoma in my legs and lymph nodes in the groin area..

They did a bunch of blood work, a bone marrow biopsy and are scheduling a  needle biopsy of the larger, left side lymph node.
They will install a chemo port and want to start the treatments next Wednesday.

I am set for 6 cycles at three week intervals. (18 weeks total)  and if warranted radiation treatment too.
They also rearranged and discontinued/added some oral meds.

Member: Clan of the Turdlike People.

Courage is Fear that has said its Prayers

�If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.� Ronald Reagan.