[Linked Image from klarphotography.com]

As I've mentioned before, Ferruginous hawks have the largest gape (mouth opening) of any raptor. This is beneficial to them as their primary prey in the wild are ground squirrels and prairie dogs and it allows them to hork quickly before their food is stolen. They're also the fastest hawk and tend to chase a really, really long ways after running or flying game.The combination of the two makes can make it challenging to know if they caught something or not. Often a tuft of fur on the ground is the only evidence left by the time I get there!

[Linked Image from klarphotography.com]

[Linked Image from klarphotography.com]

[Linked Image from klarphotography.com]

[Linked Image from klarphotography.com]

[Linked Image from klarphotography.com]