In the two-page, single-spaced memo on July 26, the day after the Trump-Zelensky phone call, the whistleblower wrote: “The following is a record of a conversation I had this afternoon with a White House official about the telephone call yesterday morning between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.”

The whistleblower wrote that the conversation with the unnamed White House official “only lasted a few minutes, and as a result, I only received highlights.”

hearsay -- noun: information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.
hearsay -- Law: The report of another person's words by a witness, which is usually disallowed as evidence in a court of law.

There is a huge difference between a whistle blower and a rumor monger. This entire story never should have progressed any further than the pages of the National Inquirer.

Boots were made for walking
Winds were blowing change
Boys fall in the jungle
As I Came of Age