Well written, guys! Yes the Libs, reasonably enough, want us out of these foreign entanglements, as long as Trump is President.
But when Trump withdraws, all hell breaks loose. The Libs are outraged.
What a bunch of hypocritical fools.

Yes I think we should just get the hell out of the middle east, these Mongrolians have been killing each other for many centuries, and they will continue to kill each other, long after we leave.
The Iraq War was, of course, the biggest foreign policy mistake in US history. Get out!

And, Afghanistan has been the graveyard of empires. The British in 1880, the Russians in 1980.
But, the US is so good, is so tough, is so wonderful, we can bring peace to Afghanistan. If we just stay there for 18 more years, I'm sure peace will come to this land. No, not 18, make it 36 more years. 36 more years, there will be peace in Afghanistan.