I had very good success with the old K'meer Deer fawn in distress call. I used it for coyotes, but have also called in 3 bears with it while coyote hunting. After buying it from the back of a Sports Afield magazine in the late 60's, I lost it a few years ago.

When does respond, they usually come in on the run. If bucks are hanging around the does, they will follow the does, but, I have never called in a lone buck.

While deer hunting around Kremmling, CO, some years ago, a buddy and I were sitting in his truck, waiting for another buddy to show up. Several Mule Deer walked out of a draw, so I roll down my window and told Duane, 'watch this', and started with the K'meer Deer. All the does start charging up the hill towards us, with a decent 4x4 trailing.

The lead doe came to about 40-50 yards of the truck, and stood there stamping a foot at us.

Lot's of E-callers have this sound loaded on them, and those have worked as well, though I cannot use an E-caller for big game hunting in Colorado.