Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Crow hunter
The guy that asked Warren that question turned out to be a donor who had maxed out his legal contributions to her campaigns several times over the years. In other words, he was a plant and the reason Warren had a quick comeback to it was she'd rehearsed it. She wasn't answering it extemporaneously but rather had rehearsed it for maximum sound bite value which the lefty media gave her in spades.

Like everything else about the women, the appearance of this being an off the cuff answer is fake.


And the goofy goose ate that crap up.

Wait until the fool gets to Medicare and he's sitting in a dr's waiting room with 40 illegals ahead of him.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member